Monday, September 9, 2024



                                                                                  by Ritchelle Blanco Dejolde


During the flag ceremony, I realize that there are so many vows/oaths that are recited. A vow or "panata" or "panunumpa" speaks of a promise or commitment to do everything that's listed. The list in every vow or "panata" is a string of  highly desirable , moral, exemplary and eminent acts and values that a public servant or citizen of this country shall possess.

Now, even if one spends hours and even days with the right hand raised or positioned on the chest area while reciting all these vows ( around 5) coupled with a voice that resonates adherence, if we watch the current news regarding leaders who continually dupe our countrymen, the surreptitious invasion of foreigners in our political mainstream with shameless display of arrogance and splatter of lies, the grave incompetence of supposed guardians of sovereignty and justice, I cannot help but feel sorry for this country. 

Just drop those numerous vows, "panunumpa" or "panata". Take one or two seriously and honestly follow each to the core. JUST DO IT! Do not let that right hand slap each one of us with shame.

*Panatang Makabayan

*Panunumpa sa Watawat

*Panata sa Bagong Pilipinas

*Panunumpa ng Kawani Ng Gobyerno 

*Panunumpa ng Lingkod Bayan               


Sunday, May 11, 2014

I am Not A Mother But I Have The Hand That Rocks Cradles

It's Mother's Day! I have uploaded a mosaic of my Mom's pics to show on Facebook how I love and appreciate her.  I've,likewise, greeted my mother-in-law, my kin, friends and whoever flashes the flag that shouts "MOM".  That leaves me a little bit on the wayside because I don't have a child, I have not experienced any birth pang.  Oh how I wish I would have had those crazy cravings,too, in the middle of the night which would have driven my sweet Anthony running to the store in his pajamas just to please the infanticipating me.  But, God did not design my life that way and I am not complaining.

I am not a mother but sometimes, I believe I,too, can give as much love, if not more, to children.  I have rocked cradles of kids without their biological school, in my family and in the community.

I have taken kids to their first visit to the dentist, their first day in school, their first walk on the seashore, their first feel of a nursery book, their weekend treats at Jollibee or McDonalds.  I have watched kids say their short prayers, sing their songs, recite their poems.  I have lent an ear to their dreams and their frustrations. I laughed with their funny jokes, got stunned with their awesome discoveries, jumped with them in victory.  I helped them speak,write, read, act and discover more in life. I listened to their tales, ribbed them about their crushes, shed tears on their wedding days, celebrated their birthdays.  I've stopped them from wallowing in self-pity, barred them from vices and self-destruction.  I tried my best to see their self-worth and to know that they are special.  What tops all of these is that I have tried my best to guide them in their moral and spiritual growth.

I think "MOTHER" is just a noun for some.  To me, "MOTHER" is an action word, it is a verb.  I will continue to rock cradles which others dare not touch.

copyright © Ritchelle Blanco Dejolde2014

Thursday, November 14, 2013

What The Government Should Learn From Yolanda (Haiyan)

What should the Philippine government and all Filipinos learn from typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan)? 

A LOT!  

After super typhoon Yolanda ravaged Leyte and other provinces in Central Visayas, everyone was struck with unbelievable images of destruction, famine, death and chaos.  I was speechless at the first sight of people begging for food, cadavers on the roadside and on top of trees, mountains of debris, wrecked homes and buildings, impassable roads, and desperate people looting for survival. I could only pray for a speedy restoration of services, provision of relief goods and support for the victims.

A week has passed and the Philippine government is under fire for the very slow, retarded pace it is taking to scoop the victims out from their sorry and destitute state. The swift move of other countries to fly in numerous boxes/crates of food, clothing, medicines and other basic necessities including cash has rendered the President, his officials, and the military almost inutile in the eyes of the world. This is another blow to the government after the recent hearings and revelations regarding the scam purportedly manipulated by some government officials in cahoots with that blood-curdling heap of a fat swine, Napoles.

Yolanda's message is clear. 

Always be ready.  Don't underestimate what a seemingly simple typhoon can bring to your place.  It can rip you off and flatten your domain.  

Stop taking people's money! Government agencies and officials should render services to the people because they are the masters, they are the boss! After all, it is the people (taxpayers, most especially) who chip in their labor's fruits in the national coffers. 

Don't be divisive.  Unite! Drop any political affiliations in times like this. Moreover, do not blame especially those who are helpless.

Don't take advantage of other people's possessions and weaknesses.  Idiots have been reported raping and looting, running away with appliances and cannibalizing vehicles. 

Save lives, yes! But give the dead a decent burial even en masse.  The week-long stench of death inhabiting the afflicted places speaks of callousness on the part of authorities.

Have faith in God!  Don't relax. People tend to leave him in one corner while they enthrone materialism, greed, lust for power, and immorality at the center of their lives.

Knock all these in your heads, our heads lest another typhoon by another name visits us ( God forbid)

                                         copyright © Ritchelle Blanco Dejolde 2013