Tuesday, December 11, 2007

HOW TO MAKE YOURSELF MORE INTERESTING by Ritchelle "SkyBlue" Blanco-Dejolde

Maybe, you're wondering why your friend gets more attention than you do, why she has hordes of admirers or friends while you just sit in a corner looking like you have a bad case of halitosis (bad breath).Don't fret, I have here a few suggestions on how to inject some pep, some zip into your somewhat boring, uninteresting life.
First, BRANCH OUT! No one is more uninteresting than a person who talks about only one thing. Only about sports, about math, about money, or whatever. Take an interest in a variety of people. Force yourself to be interested in unfamiliar things. After that, you'll be surprised how many NEW things you've learned. 
LOOK FOR THE POSITIVE IN OTHER PEOPLE! When you find out something good about another person, sincerely praise him. Don't judge him immediately just by the way he looks. Cutting down people by making nasty remarks during the first meeting cuts you off from them permanently. Remember that if you sow love, you reap love. So if you don't want to end up with love malnutrition, look for the positive in other people.  
Next, BE ORIGINAL. March to the beat of your own drum. Don't always follow the crowd. Let them follow you. Write your own poems, your own songs, try new things. Don't be a copy-cat. You are a unique individual but that does not mean you will enter your class by walking backwards or you will pass through the window just to be different. Instead, walk into class with a smile on your face and try your best to learn the name of every human being in your class.  
BE POLITE. Learn to say "Thank you", "I'm sorry", "Excuse me". These are such simple words but very important.  
READ! READ! READ! There's no better way to become interesting than to read...magazines,newspapers,books, the Bible, posters, even billboards! Through reading, you can come in contact with the greatest minds of all time. Read about all kinds of people, places and things. You will broaden your horizon and because you know more, you will be able to talk with anybody about almost anything. YOU ARE WHAT YOU READ.  
SHOW INTEREST IN OTHER PEOPLE. When you're introduced, remember the other person's name. Ask queries and swap information. LOOK at the person you are talking with. Don't stare or look around the room. Don't look at the floor either.  
EXAMINE PROBLEMS FROM MANY ANGLES. If you reach rock-bottom and you feel like the world collapsed on you, get away from the problem and look at it from different angles. Give yourself breathing space. Don't say "I can't do it" or "It's impossible". Try, there's no harm in trying.  
ALWAYS ASK WHY. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Ask your teachers why people need government, why the world is heading to destruction, why you got such a grade or some such questions. Once you've asked the question, listen, DON'T BREAK IN, just listen. When you're alone, think about what was said. Think if it does make sense to you or not.  
USE YOUR TIME WELL. Use little pieces of time to think, read and learn. Having fun once in a while is not a waste of time. 
JUST DON'T FORGET TO COMMUNICATE WITH GOD.  He's always there. He has all the time to listen to us, therefore, set aside a time for a real good talk with everybody's best friend, GOD. Have Him in your heart and the more you become an interesting person. You will radiate goodness, whatever is good is interesting.


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